- Causes of the reaction
- Symptoms
- Complications
- Diagnostics
- Medication Treatment
- Folk remedies
- Diet
- Prevention
Birch is one of the strongest allergens among all trees. Particular harm is pollen , which contains more than 40 potentially dangerous protein compounds.
The same applies to the sap and wood of a given tree, but to a lesser extent. It is children who most often suffer from allergies, and parents cannot understand what the matter is. Need to understand this issue. How to treat allergies to birch in a child, let's talk in the article.
Causes of the reaction
The main cause of allergies is pollen , which irritates the mucous membranes of a person when inhaled.
Pollen contains more than 40 types of proteins that can cause this problem, but most often it is a glycoprotein.
Allergy appears in the flowering period of the tree from late April to mid-May.
To do this, inhale the air along with the pollen, and the process starts. Therefore, allergies are usually affected if there are birch plantations near the home or school.
Risks increase, and depending on the weather: dry, hot and windy weather contribute to the spread of pollen, rainy - no.
In other cases, the cause of the allergy may be wood or wood dust . Irritation occurs in a similar way as with pollen during inhalation or direct contact.
In rare cases, allergies can be secondary, that is, the body does not react to the tree itself, but to fungi that prefer it — it is Cryptostroma corticale, Aspergillus nigricant and Aspergillus alternaria. However, this is extremely rare.
How does cat allergy manifest in children? Learn about it from our articles .
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How does birch allergy manifest in children? All symptoms are associated with the skin and mucous membrane of the child . He has observed:
- itching in the nasopharynx;
- sneezing;
- increased secretion of fluid from the nose;
- redness and tearing of the eyes;
- tickle;
- pulmonary and mucosal edema;
- inflammation and swelling of the eyelids;
- redness or rash on the skin.
In addition, the child becomes capricious, lethargic and inactive. Perhaps a decrease in appetite and signs of a small poisoning . In patients with asthma, the disease worsens during the flowering period.
In the most severe cases occurs anaphylactic shock , accompanied by swelling of the lungs and throat, which can lead to death, if not in time to provide medical assistance.
to content ↑Separately, you need to consider the cross-form of allergies. The idea is that allergies can appear even without the participation of pollen, and at any time of the year.
Some protein compounds have a similar structure, and the body does not distinguish them, causing an allergic reaction. Allergic sufferers need to be careful with the following. products :
The probability of a possible occurrence of cross-allergy is approximately 7% of the total number of cases.
About the symptoms and treatment of allergy to detergent in children read here .
to content ↑Complications
Most allergies appear during the flowering period. During this period, the child feels unwell, often coughing or sneezing - nothing serious . As soon as the tree stops blooming, the allergy will disappear.
However, some children are particularly sensitive to pollen, and they have anaphylactic life-threatening shock.
In this case, you should be able to cure the attack and know how to behave while doing so.
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What to do? For accurate diagnosis should consult a doctor. Only laboratory tests will certainly determine the allergen that causes the body to react.
This is usually the T3 protein found in pollen. We'll have to pass a blood test, and the diagnosis will be made, and very quickly.
Medication Treatment
How to treat a baby? First of all, it is necessary to limit the contact of the child with the hazardous substance.
Next, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe medications depending on the nature of the allergic reaction:
- Congestion and discharge from the nasal cavity - Nasonex drops and Kromoheksal spray.
- Tearing and redness of the eyes - Naklof, Zaditen, Ketofen, Kromoheksal.
- Inflammatory processes in the mucous throat - Dexamethasone (drops, ampoules, tablets).
- Seasonal rhinitis and asthma - tablets Singular, Telfast and Zodak.
- Skin allergies - Dexamethasone ointment, Hydrocortisone ointment, Hyoxyzon ointment.
- Anaphylactic shock - intravenous Suprastin, Prednisolone, Epinephrine or Euphyllinum.
Relieve the condition with a strong nasal congestion will help inhalation with the drug Lasolvan , but this method gives only a temporary solution to the problem, but does not cure allergies. In addition, children are harmful inhalation, so doctors do not recommend their use.
If the attack of an allergy is acute, it is necessary to call the ambulance crew, and not try to cure the ailment on its own, as there is a risk to the health of the child.
to content ↑Folk remedies
For the treatment of allergies there are several useful and effective methods of traditional medicine:
Baths with birch buds. For a glass of boiling water take 1 tablespoon of birch buds and incubated for 15 minutes. Then the infusion is poured into a prepared bath, which I take 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the concentration of broth. Thanks to this, the child will gradually get used to the allergen causing the illness and can completely get rid of the problem with time. This procedure is dangerous if the child has had anaphylactic shock.
- Strawberry leaves . It is necessary to collect fresh leaves of wild strawberry during flowering. They are brewed in boiling water (1 tsp per 250 ml) and incubated for 30 minutes. Take half a cup twice a day during an exacerbation of allergies - this will reduce the severity of symptoms.
- Wormwood. The dried stalks of the plant are ground in a coffee grinder. For 1 cup, take half a teaspoon and incubate for 20-30 minutes, then filter. Insist drink a quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day to get rid of the common cold and other manifestations of an allergic reaction.
The following herbs are also natural antihistamines that can help with allergies:
- nettle;
- dandelion;
- burdock.
These products can be combined or taken separately, selecting the most effective of them. Enough to prepare the usual infusions or light decoctions and observe the reaction of the body.
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- apples;
- celery;
- kiwi;
- plums;
- new potatoes;
- apricots;
- walnuts;
- pears;
- hazelnut;
- cashew nuts;
- cherries;
- fresh carrots;
- peaches
It is also recommended to reduce the use of the following products:
- ice cream;
- sugar ;
- jam;
- chocolate;
- smoked meat;
- spicy food.
What are dangerous mosquito bites for kids? Answer find out right now.
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Prevention is aimed at strengthening the immune system of children and preventing contact with tree pollen:
- A balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals should be followed .
- During the flowering period of birch, you can wear a mask that will reduce the chance of pollen getting into the respiratory system.
- It is useful to harden the child, accustoming to the allergen with the help of birch buds.
- During seasonal exacerbation, it is better to keep the child at home.
- Place of residence should be selected taking into account birch plantations, if the child is allergic.
- Need to abandon furniture made of birch .
- It is forbidden to use birch sap and preparations based on salicylic acid (Aspirin, Askofen, etc.).
- Do not use tar soap .
Usually allergy to birch in a child is only in the form of a cold and a slight cough. Therefore, you should not worry and enough to stock up on the flowering period drops and antihistamines.
If there is a risk of anaphylactic shock, then Epinephrine , which is the first aid for severe edema, should always be at hand, then you should seek medical help to save the child.
You can learn about the symptoms of birch pollen allergy from the video:
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