Ученые требуют переподчинить ФАНО РАН
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Serpregion.ru - Заблокированы крупнейшие новостные порталы Серпуховского региона
Вечером 1 августа Роскомнадзор заблокировал доступ к интернет-порталу газеты «Ока-инфо». Причина внесения сайта издания в т.н. «реестр запрещённых» довольно спорная. Нынешней весной в правоохранительные

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На общем собрании РАН предложили переподчинить ФАНО президиуму Академии
МОСКВА, 23 марта. /ТАСС/. Вице-президент Российской академии наук и председатель Сибирского отделения РАН академик Александр Асеев предложил переподчинить Федеральное агентство научных организаций (ФАНО)

Иссякание благолепия
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What kind of doctors you need to pass for registration of disability. How to get a disability and what to do? Criteria for determining the group of disability

  1. Disability clearance procedure
  2. Procedures for applying for a disability in Madrid
  3. Apply for a disability for the first time
  4. What if you disagree with permission
  5. Documentation to be submitted if revised due to aggravation or improvement.
  6. Do disabilities give after heart surgery?
  7. Assignment of disability in heart disease
  8. Disability clearance after shunting
  9. Disability with heart disease

You recognize the disability MSEC (), if you lose your ability to work or can not fully perform any functions of life.

First you need to go to see your doctor, explain your problem to him and say that you are going to get a disability. Your doctor should record everything in your outpatient card, write you a referral to professional specialists. After that you will have to be examined in the hospital. You should not hide about your illness or injury, because of which you get a disability. Also explain to the doctors what all this has come from, as well as how you can work at the moment. Doctors should write all this information into your outpatient card.

Disability clearance procedure

This includes persons suffering from disability diseases, as a result of which a person is limited to daily activities, as is usually the case, for example, but not limited to, those who undergo dialysis, heart disease, severe cases of cancer and other similar cases leading to temporary or permanent disability.

City or Municipal Administration social security and development. The office of Captain Barangaya. Issuance of the relevant document to confirm the medical condition of the applicant is as follows. The authority that issued the identity document.

When you pass the ITU (Medico-Social Examination), defend their rights. You will have to prove that your illness prevents you from living a full life. Therefore, take on the ITU all the documents that can confirm your illness.

In order to apply for a disability, you will need the following documents:

2. Passport and its copy;

Visible medical certificate of disability A licensed private or government physician. School Assessment Licensed Teacher, duly signed by the School Principal. The head of a business institution. Head of non-governmental organization.

Inadequate medical certificate of disability A licensed private or government physician. The city or municipal mayor or captain Barangai should. Completion of requirements. The document to confirm the state of health or disability. On the last day you worked with your usual duties, hours or dates, when you started working with full or full duty. When to file a claim: send the application no earlier than nine days after the first day of the start of your disability, but no later than 49 days after the start of your disability or you can lose benefits.

  • First Name and Last Name.
  • Social Security number.
  • License number for drivers in California.
  • The most current name of the employer, phone number and mailing address.
  • Recurring claims: do not send duplicates of the same requirement.
  • This will delay the processing of the claim.

Your request will not be processed until all necessary sections of the application have been received.

3. Certified copy of employment record;

4. Sometimes they may require a certificate of income from work;

5. Outpatient card;

6. Extracts from hospitals and their copies;

7. Characteristics from the place of work or study;

8. Application for certification;

9. Work injury act form H - 1 or occupational disease;

Procedures for applying for a disability in Madrid

Your review can be executed at any time. Do you know how to do this? We give you all the information so that you can quickly cope with the management. Recommended class: -Recommended class.

Apply for a disability for the first time

To be a Spaniard or a foreigner with a legal seat in Spain and to be registered in any of the municipalities of the Community of Madrid. Suffer physical, mental, intellectual or sensory disability.

What if you disagree with permission

To form an opinion, the assessment and management team can conduct research that it deems necessary and requires as much information and evidence as it deems necessary. It will be allowed for a maximum of 3 months.

Documentation to be submitted if revised due to aggravation or improvement.

You can request a review of the recognized degree of disability with a validity period. This is yes, only from three months to expiration. This type of review is not subject to bid.

If you are going for re-examination, you should have 2 more documents:

11. Certificate of disability.

If you are recognized as disabled, you will receive and issue 2 documents:

1. A certificate that confirms your disability;

2 Individual Program Rehabilitation.

After that, contact the social. protection of your area - in order to get the benefits that are due to you, and then in Pension Fund - for registration of a pension.

Do disabilities give after heart surgery?

Fill out an application and provide the necessary documentation. After filing the application and documentation, the interested party will be notified of the day, time, equipment and address of the place where the necessary checks or tests will be carried out. You can also get them from other specialists in the base center or outside the services, with the permission of the Control Center. After verifying that the requirements are met, and if all documentation is correct, the assessment will be performed. If the documentation is missing or not specified, a deadline of 10 days will be provided.

If you are denied recognition of disability.

Write a statement saying that you want to appeal the MSEC decision. And take it to ITU Bureau where you were examined. They will redirect him to the main bureau within three days and will re-examine within a month. You can also insist on an independent examination, and you will be examined by doctors and experts who are not affiliated with ITU. Ultimately, you can appeal the denial in court. The court decision will be the last, and will not be subject to appeal.

How often is re-examination.

If you are recognized as disabled, it means that you will have to undergo a re-examination once a year or once every 2 years. It depends on the type of disability you have. Re-examination is held 1 time in 2 years, the second and third groups 1 time per year, and the terms for disabled children are set depending on their diseases.

If you are on an old-age pension, you may be granted permanent indemnity. And you do not have to undergo a re-examination.





The heart is the most important organ of the human body. It delivers blood to all tissues and organs, so it has an enormous load. Improper diet, stress, increased fatigue, poor ecology, constant nervous tension lead to the fact that the heart can not stand and get sick. In diseases of this organ, careful treatment and surgery are often required. Often awarded disability after heart surgery and its diseases.

Assignment of disability in heart disease

According to medical examinations and legislation for 2017, in Russia there is a list of diseases for which a disability can be attributed. These include diseases, the course of which may be accompanied by irreversible processes of damage to important human organs. For the following heart conditions, people can contact the appropriate authorities to apply for disability and get help:

1. Myocardial infarction. This disease occurs together with coronary insufficiency, which leads to circulatory disorders and significant changes in the functions of the heart muscles. The complete absence or inadequate supply of blood to a number of areas of the heart can lead to the necrosis of these areas. As a result, this leads to the inability of the body to provide full activity. Coronary heart disease, smoking and obesity also contribute to the progression of myocardial infarction.

2. Hypertension stage 3. The disease is characterized by increased pressure, the presence of crises that lead to violations of blood supply to the brain, which often lead to paralysis.

3. Severe heart defects, as well as irreversible circulatory disorders of the 3rd degree. In addition, patients who have undergone a number of severe forms of heart disease and operations, for example, coronary artery bypass surgery, can count on disability registration.

If you want to get a disability with heart disease, then you need to contact your doctor to declare this desire.

Disability clearance after shunting

After the operation of cardiac bypass surgery, temporary disability is observed. Therefore, the patient is issued sick leave up to 4 months. Next, patients are sent for a medical and social examination, which decides whether to assign a disability after cardiac bypass and which group.

Group I disability is assigned to people with severe chronic heart failure who require care of unauthorized persons.

Group II disability can be assigned to patients with complicated postoperative course.

Group III disability can be assigned to patients with uncomplicated postoperative course, as well as with grades 1-2 (FC) angina, heart failure or without it. Work in the field of professions that do not pose a threat to the patient’s heart activity may be admitted. At the same time, forbidden professions include work in the field, with toxic substances, at height, the driver's profession.

Disability with heart disease

Medical-social expert commission can assign a patient a disability in case of heart disease, but taking into account the presence of a complex of factors. Among such factors may be the professional activity affected by the disease. Therefore, when contacting ITU, it is also necessary to mention this fact. You may have to think about finding another job. Congenital heart defects are abnormalities in the development of the heart, which manifest as impaired formation of normal hemodynamics. For heart defects, you need to be examined by doctors.

Group I disability can be assigned to patients with pulmonary hypertension Grade III with severe conduction and rhythm disorders. Take into account self-service restrictions, labor activity and self-care III degree.

Group II disability can be assigned to patients with pulmonary hypertension Grade II with severe conduction and rhythm disorders, NYHA FC III. CHF II Art. There may be complications after surgery, or pronounced degenerative and dystrophic changes in parenchymal organs and myocardium. The restrictions on self-service, work and self-service II degree are taken into account.

Group III disability can be assigned to patients with pulmonary hypertension of I degree, II FC NYHA, CHF I Art. Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the parenchymatous organs and myocardium can be observed. Requires surgical treatment of the patient. The restrictions on self-service, work and self-service I degree are taken into account.


Do disabilities give after heart surgery?
Do you know how to do this?
Do disabilities give after heart surgery?