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Points U, A and K: new about the female orgasm

The search for G is already the last century. Scientists have discovered in women the points U, A and K, the stimulation of which also gives breathtaking sensations. Today, Ekaterina Lyubimova, the founder of the sex coaching movement in Russia and the head of the training center Sex-Russia, is answering questions from Cleo readers about erogenous zones.

Today, Ekaterina Lyubimova, the founder of the sex coaching movement in Russia and the head of the training center Sex-Russia, is answering questions from Cleo readers about erogenous zones

�How to find and stimulate points U, A, K, and what sensations does it give?”
Ksenia, 26, Tolyatti

In addition to the well-known point G, women also have erogenous zones such as points K, A and U. Stimulation of any of these points allows a woman to experience an orgasm.

Point K is almost opposite point G, on the back of the vagina, bordering the anus. Stimulate this point should be the same way as the G-zone, but it is more convenient to use your thumb. Try to push it into the back wall of the vagina, as if you are trying to find an anus through it. Wherein second hand stimulate the clitoris . As soon as you feel a pleasant feeling, you are on the right track. Usually zone K responds with anal sex. Another option is to insert a vaginally index finger on 2 phalanges and anally - the thumb, and feeling a thin wall between two fingers, to make a slight rubbing movement.

Vibration easily penetrate the desired areas.

You can try to stimulate the erogenous zones not with your fingers, but with erotic toys with vibration, which are created specifically for this or that zone. Vibration easily penetrate the desired areas.

Unusual sensations can also be experienced from exposure to point A, which, like point G, is located on the front wall of the vagina, but near the cervix. Stimulation of point A requires very deep penetration, which usually causes in most women painful sensations and this stops them before further action.

It is impossible to stimulate point A with your own fingers - after all, penetration of 10-12 cm is required. Therefore, special intimate toys (for example, a vibrator with a curved tip) or open postures at which a man enters very deeply will come to the rescue.

Therefore, special intimate toys (for example, a vibrator with a curved tip) or open postures at which a man enters very deeply will come to the rescue

But the game is worth the candle - the discharge from point A is very intense, this is the so-called uterine orgasm, in which the vagina contracts very actively, as if a huge wave passes through it.

Orgasm from the stimulation of the point U - is also quite rare. The point is located at the entrance to the urethra, that is, on the eve of the urethra between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. She is responsible for the development of the female ejaculant - the fluid that is released during the female orgasm and is associated with the squirt. When stimulating the U-zone with your fingers, not very pleasant sensations may appear, so it’s better if you ask your partner to caress this area with tongue during cunnilingus, with a soft circular amplitude. An orgasm from the U point stimulation is accompanied by a slight chill, very fast spasms and tremors.

�How to find point G? Maybe you can somehow develop its sensitivity? "
Lena, 22 years old, Moscow

It would be more correct to call the “G zone”, because unlike all other erogenous points in the woman's vagina, it is quite large and takes from 1 to 3 cm.

The development of zone G allows a woman to experience a vaginal orgasm.

The area is a small, different from the rest of the surface in the structure of the tubercle, which is located on the front wall of the vagina at a depth of 5-6 centimeters (1.5-2 phalanges of the finger).

The development of zone G allows a woman to experience a vaginal orgasm. However, for many this area is in a “sleeping” state. Since adolescence, only the clitoris is mainly subjected to stimulation, and the erogenous points in the vagina develop little. Therefore, sexual arousal and orgasm are “fixed” to the clitoris.

How to find and awaken the G zone ? To feel more relaxed, it is advisable to proceed to the "awakening of an orgasm" in private with itself. Try to insert two fingers into the vagina and a half to two phalanges and push them into the front wall of the vagina. You should feel a knob different from the rest of the surface, the most sensitive and tender place. The main feeling that will tell you that you are on the right path is as if you got from inside the vagina under the clitoris and stimulate it “from the inside”.

The main feeling that will tell you that you are on the right path is as if you got from inside the vagina under the clitoris and stimulate it “from the inside”

Many girls who come to my trainings say that they repeatedly tried to find this zone, but they did not succeed, and they decided that they simply didn’t have this zone and were very upset. The mistake is that you should not try to find erogenous points in the unexcited state. It is advisable to call the clitoral orgasm first and only after that go to the “search” of the zone G. The erogenous points become convex and react to touch only when the blood rushes as much as possible to the vaginal walls, i.e. when a woman goes through a full cycle - from a state of mild arousal to orgasm.

“Awakening” of zone G can take from 1 week to 2 months.

When you feel the point, make a movement, as if you are trying to call someone to yourself with two fingers. The movement should be quite intensive, while trying with the other hand to slightly stimulate the clitoris. With habit, you may have a slightly unpleasant feeling, but over time it will turn into pleasure. “Awakening” of zone G can take from 1 week to 2 months.

Usually, when stimulating zone G, women feel false urination and often reject such affection, fearing an awkward situation. Do not worry - these feelings actually say that you are on the right track. You need to be patient and work with it. Zone G, as well as any nerve endings, must be influenced in order for them to acquire sensitivity and begin to “grow.” The more often you stimulate zone G, the better - when it develops, it will be enough for you that with intimate intimacy a man will slightly direct the penis to the front wall of the vagina, touching zone G, and you will experience much more sensations and, perhaps, vaginal orgasm.

?How to find and stimulate points U, A, K, and what sensations does it give?
?How to find point G?
Maybe you can somehow develop its sensitivity?