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How to treat at home follicular sore throat in children: photo of the throat, symptoms, treatment

  1. Features of the disease
  2. Pathogens and infection routes
  3. The reasons
  4. Who is at risk?
  5. Symptomatology
  6. Diagnostics
  7. Possible complications
  8. Treatment
  9. Drug therapy
  10. Traditional medicine
  11. Preventive measures

Follicular tonsillitis is an infectious disease of the acute nature of the course . Most often occurs in the cold season, when the child is often supercooled, is deficient in vitamins .

Angina (acute tonsillitis) has a total of 4 types, follicular tonsillitis is one of them, and the most common.

A sick child manifests the whole complex of characteristic symptoms. The cause of the development of the disease is pathogenic microflora (bacteria) that actively proliferate in the tonsils, which causes their inflammation, swelling, and suppuration. On the treatment of follicular angina in children talk in the article.

For the symptoms and treatment of catarrhal angina in children, read our article .

Features of the disease

Features of the disease

Follicular sore throat is an acute inflammatory process in which various groups of tonsils are included, which are part of the lymphatic and pharyngeal system.

Inflammation affects not only the mucous membrane of the tonsils, but also their follicles located deeper.

The affected tonsils swell, increase in size, on their surface are formed clearly pronounced white abscesses , which over time grow, merge with each other, forming a purulent abscess. Appearance of such ulcers considered the main distinguishing feature of the disease of this type.

Pathology can develop as an independent (primary) disease, however, most often the follicular tonsillitis is manifested as a result of other infectious diseases occurring in the body (for example, diphtheria ).

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Pathogens and infection routes

The causative agent of the disease are bacterial microorganisms .

The most common among them is streptococcus. Less commonly, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, and other bacteria become the primary cause of follicular tonsillitis.

You can become infected through direct contact with a virus carrier (air – droplet method), using common household items, such as dishes ( contact – household ).

However, the most common method of infection is the internal one, that is, when the child already has foci of infection in the body in the form of any infectious diseases that occur in a chronic form (untreated caries, inflammation of the nasal sinuses, ears).

However, the most common method of infection is the internal one, that is, when the child already has foci of infection in the body in the form of any infectious diseases that occur in a chronic form (untreated caries, inflammation of the nasal sinuses, ears)

There are cases when pathogenic microorganisms - pathogens are already present in the tonsils of the baby (this situation is observed with chronic tonsillitis), in this case, even with a slight negative effect on the body, the child becomes ill.

The incubation period for follicular sore throat usually lasts no more than 24 hours, since the disease has a severe course, its clinical manifestations are developing rapidly.

What is viral sore throat? Answer find out right now.

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The reasons

The root cause of the development of follicular angina is the penetration of the causative agent into the organism, and its activation. The following negative factors can lead to an increase in the activity of pathogenic microflora:

  1. Weakening of immunity due to frequent viral diseases.
  2. Supercooling a child under adverse weather conditions, drinking cold foods or drinks, bathing in cold water.
  3. Contact with the distributor of infection, use of his things, dishes, toys.
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Who is at risk?

Children 4–7 years old are the most susceptible to infection, especially children who attend school and kindergarten.

In children under 4 years of age, the disease is diagnosed less frequently. Children under 1 year almost never suffer from follicular sore throat.


Follicular tonsillitis in children - photo:

The disease has a characteristic clinical picture , which is expressed in the general and local signs. Local are considered such manifestations as:

  • enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes, their pain;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the tonsils;
  • the formation on their surface of specific white spots, bubbles filled with purulent contents.

Common signs include:

  1. Poor health, weakness, drowsiness.
  2. Dizziness, headache.
  3. Increase in body temperature to high values ​​(39 degrees and above). In this case, the child may alternately feel the fever and chills.
  4. Pulse increase.
  5. Lack of appetite, associated with poor health, sore throat, increasing at the time of swallowing.
  6. Darkening in the eyes.
  7. Behavior change (irritability, moodiness).
  8. Dryness and sore throat.
  9. Violations of the chair, nausea (not shown in all cases).
  10. Hyperhidrosis.
  11. Sleep disturbance
  12. Pain in the joints, heart.

Recommendations for the treatment of herpes sore throat you will find on our website.

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When detecting follicular angina , such diagnostic methods are used as:

  • evaluation of the clinical picture (set of symptoms, patient complaints);
  • pharyngoscopy (assessment of the state of the pharyngeal mucosa);
  • complete blood count (the patient has an increased level of neutrophils, eosinophils, ESR).
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Possible complications

In case of follicular sore throat, the child’s state of health is usually normalized 7-8 days after the onset of the disease (of course, provided that the treatment was started on time).

However, if proper therapy was absent, the disease can cause the appearance of various complications , such as:

  1. Streptococcal meningitis.
  2. Joint diseases.
  3. Sepsis (when purulent contents enter the blood, causing infection).
  4. General persistent infection of the body (infectious shock).
  5. Meniere's syndrome (inflammation of the inner ear).
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Usually, a patient suffering from follicular sore throat does not require hospitalization .

The exception is extremely severe cases where the child needs constant monitoring by the doctor.

However, the baby, who has the first manifestations of the disease, needs to be shown to the doctor, since only a doctor can determine the disease and prescribe adequate treatment .

Read about the treatment of childhood arthritis. here .

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Drug therapy

The child is prescribed to take a whole complex of drugs , including:

  • antibiotics: penicillins (Flemoksin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, etc.) and macrolides (Sumamed, Azitroks, Hemomitsin, etc.);
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • antipyretic drugs (Panadol, Nurofen);
  • drugs to strengthen the immune system;
  • antihistamines;
  • vitamins;
  • probiotics (Atsipol, Bifidumbakterin);
  • topical drugs (sprays, inhalers, lozenges).
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Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine

Folk recipes are widely used as additional measures for the treatment of follicular angina at home.

These recommendations should not be used as a substitute for drug therapy, since a bacterial infection can be cured only with the help of drugs (antibiotics, antibacterial drugs).

To alleviate the symptoms, it is recommended that the baby use herbal teas with lemon and honey, gargling with herbal tea , soda, and saline .

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Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of developing follicular angina, it is recommended:

  1. Harden your baby, while avoiding hypothermia.
  2. Follow the diet crumbs.
  3. Often walk with him on the street, it is recommended to spend time in the open air.
  4. Monitor the health of the baby’s oral cavity, regularly visit the dentist for a routine examination.

In case of follicular sore throat, not only the tonsil mucosa is affected, but also its deeper areas. Specific abscesses form on the surface of the tonsils, which tend to increase with time.

Tonsils become painful, increase in size . The disease has a severe course, but is successfully treated with the help of modern drugs and popular recipes.

If there is no treatment, or is chosen incorrectly, the development of complications that are dangerous to the health and life of the baby may occur . Pathology has very unpleasant symptoms, so it is better to prevent it in time.

How to treat asthma in a child? Learn about it from our articles .

Follicular sore throat - features of the disease in this video:

What is viral sore throat?
How to treat asthma in a child?