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How to cure a cough in a child 2-3 years and older

  1. The essence of the problem
  2. Principles of treatment of the disease
  3. What to take with dry cough?
  4. How to deal with productive cough?
  5. Help traditional medicine

How to cure a child's cough? Which parent didn't ask such a question? This unpleasant phenomenon is observed very often, and it is natural that every time you want to solve the problem of how to quickly cure a child’s cough, especially if he is not yet three years old. Modern medicines are able to effectively deal with children's cough, but when it appears in a child 2 years old, I do not want to feed the baby with medication. In this case, traditional medicine will help. In any case, the question of how to cure children’s cough should be solved together with the pediatrician.

The essence of the problem

At its core, a cough is a protective reflex of the human body to the effects of chemical or biological stimuli of the respiratory system. It cannot be considered an independent disease, as it is only a manifestation of some damage to the respiratory organs. Coughing is a deep and sharp exhalation of air mass, through which the body tries to remove an obstacle to normal breathing. The causes of coughing can be many, and therefore, before being treated, it is necessary to establish its nature.

A child’s cough of 2 years and any other age can be dry or wet. Wet cough is considered productive, i.e. cough with sputum. Only this type of cough performs the functions of cleaning the respiratory tract, since the sputum is secreted by the glands specifically to fight infections and irritants, and when it comes out, it carries away all that is harmful to health. A dry cough does not have sputum, which does not allow it to effectively perform a cleansing function, and therefore it is considered an unproductive variety. Solving the problem of how to cure a dry cough is primarily based on the transformation of the dry type into a wet variety, i.e. making unproductive cough into productive.

To determine the treatment of cough, it is necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence. Children's cough is most characteristic due to acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). It can occur in three years old, and in adolescents. Other common causes include other common factors: adenoids, diseases of the respiratory organs; bronchial asthma and bronchitis; penetration of foreign bodies; body reaction to cold, dry air; allergic reaction.

Principles of treatment of the disease

Effectively deal with coughing is possible only by acting on the underlying disease, as it is only a symptom of pathology. In this regard, the doctor prescribes basic therapy on the basis of antibiotics, antihistamines and other means, taking into account the type of pathogen or irritant. Naturally, in order to cure a cough in a 3-year-old child or a 15-year-old teenager, different drugs and methods are prescribed, taking into account age-related features.

The cough itself in a child exhausts the infant organism. Simultaneously with the elimination of the underlying cause, treatment should also include symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating cough syndrome. There are several main categories of remedies that help fight cough (both medication and folk remedies):

  1. Mucolytics. Such means thin the sputum and facilitate its removal from the respiratory tract. Among the pharmaceutical preparations can be distinguished: Ambrobene, Halixol, Lasolvan.
  2. Expectorants. They increase the production of sputum and enhance the process of its excretion. Medicines: Gadelix, Mukaltin, Pertussin).
  3. Antitussive drugs. Their impact is associated with the elimination of painful manifestations when coughing. Pharmacy representatives: Bronhikum, Sedotussin.

The finished products can be used in various forms: tablets for oral administration; absorbable tablets (lozenges); lozenges; drops; mixture When treating children, compresses, warming up, baths with medicinal compositions and inhalation are actively used. At home, a positive effect is found when using folk remedies in the form of infusions, decoctions, juice, solutions.

What to take with dry cough?

In order to cure a dry cough in a child, first of all, the question of transferring him to a productive variety is solved. Such a transformation is provided due to the abundant drinking regime with alkaline-type beverages; staging compresses warming action or prescription of medicines, in particular bronchodilators.

If a dry cough is intense, exhausting, the doctor may prescribe antitussive drugs to alleviate the baby’s condition. The most commonly used drugs are: Bronholitin, Glaucin, Libeksin, Butamirat, Pakseladin, Gerbion (based on Icelandic moss). Most often, dry cough suffers with bronchitis. In this case, Libexin is recommended.

In this case, Libexin is recommended

The translation of unproductive cough into productive provide inhalations with compositions of alkaline type, as well as ingestion of folk remedies. Effective action is found in the use of infusion of wild rosemary, licorice root, althea, and coltsfoot. Such compositions are taken 4-5 times a day for 80-100 ml.

How to deal with productive cough?

If a child has a cough with sputum, i.e. productive cough, the main task of treatment becomes help in removing sputum and eliminate infections. The following main directions for the treatment of children's cough can be distinguished:

  • antibacterial and antiviral agents directed against the type of infection;
  • expectorants: sodium bicarbonate, Gadelix, Herbion (based on primrose), syrups from Althea root or licorice;
  • mucolytic drugs: Ambroxol, Carbocysteine, Acetylcysteine;
  • absorbable pills (lozenges): Dr. IOM, Doctor Theiss, Septolte;
  • antihistamines for allergic reactions and laryngeal edema: Diazolin, Fenkrol, Cetirizine;
  • bronchodilatory drugs: salbutamol;
  • drops in the nose in the presence of a runny nose: Naphazoline, Xylometazoline, Oksilmetazolin;
  • drugs to eliminate the risk of infections: Broncho-Munal, Broncho-Vaks;
  • means for grinding: Evkabal, Pulmeks-Bebi, turpentine ointment;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Erespal, Fenspirid.

As an additional treatment for cough with sputum, inhalations, compresses, rubbing, mustard plaster are widely used. Of the physiotherapeutic methods, electrophoresis with drugs is the most common. It is important to remember that any use of medicines is made only by doctor's prescription.

Help traditional medicine

At home in the treatment of children's cough folk remedies are very popular. Such treatment can begin almost from birth, but the use of even natural formulations should be coordinated with the pediatrician. We can recommend the following proven folk remedies:

  1. Carrot juice with honey. Used only fresh juice. Accepted by 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day.
  2. Baked radish with sugar. The vegetable is cut into small slices and sprinkled with sugar, and then baked in the oven for 1.5-2.5 hours. Liquid is consumed, decanted after baking - 1 tbsp 4 times a day.
  3. Lemon juice with honey. Fresh juice is used. Proportions: juice (200 ml), glycerin (2 tablespoons), honey (100 ml). The composition should have a syrup consistency. It is used on 1 part 5-6 times a day (always in the morning, on an empty stomach and before bedtime).
  4. Milk with additives. With a strong cough in a child, hot milk with the addition of mineral water with alkaline properties and honey (100 ml of water and milk, 1 tsp of honey) is recommended. The effect will intensify when figs are added to the mixture.
  5. A mixture of honey with anise. The composition is prepared as follows: honey (1 tsp), anise seeds (2 tbsp) and salt (pinch) is added to water (1 cup), and then the mixture is brought to a boil. Accepted 1 tbsp 6-7 times a day).
  6. Butter with honey. Honey and butter in equal quantities with a little vanillin mixed thoroughly. It is used 3 times a day, 1 tsp.
  7. Badger fat. Used for grinding the back, chest, feet. Applies to children from the age of three.
  8. Honey mustard mix. It is used in the form of a compress. Ingredients: mustard powder, honey and flour in equal proportions. Compress put on the night.
  9. Warming up with salt. Salt is heated in a frying pan, placed in a woven pouch and applied to the chest or back.
  10. Decoction of figs in milk. Proportion: 200 ml of milk 3 medium-sized fruit. Decoction is taken 1 time per day, before bedtime.

The question of how to quickly cure a baby’s cough concerns many parents. For these purposes, you can use pharmaceuticals and natural formulations according to popular recipes. It is not necessary to invent a treatment yourself - everything needs to be coordinated with the pediatrician.

How to deal with productive cough?
Which parent didn't ask such a question?
What to take with dry cough?
How to deal with productive cough?