Causes of anal fringe
Fringed skin formations are formed due to the stretching of tissues caused by different reasons:
External hemorrhoids or thrombosis. The nodes under the skin stretch the skin, after resorption of the “bumps” the defect does not disappear.
Proctological surgery for hemorrhoids. Fringe remain after healing, as some doctors consider them harmless and do not remove along with the nodes. Sometimes fringes appear after tissue healing.
Pregnancy. The skin is stretched with strong generic efforts, not returning to normal.
Persistent constipation, in which there is overdistension of tissues caused by straining and discharge of solid feces.
Diarrhea leading to inflammation of the skin around the anus.
Symptoms and problems
Small areas of overstretched skin do not cause discomfort for most people. They do not hurt, do not bleed and do not interfere with the process of defecation. Pronounced growths around the anus significantly complicate hygiene. If the folds are not rinsed after a bowel movement, traces of feces may remain on the laundry, and the skin around the anus will be inflamed and itchy. Going to the toilet "big" outside the house becomes a big problem. At the slightest hygienic error, inflammation occurs, leading to bleeding, dermatitis, and even purulent paraproctitis.
The skin growths around the anus look unaesthetic, which causes psychological discomfort during intimacy. The presence of fringe leads to restrictions on the purchase of underwear. Women with such growths difficult to wear a thong. Thin "string" on the pants rubs nipples, causing discomfort.
Sometimes fringe become a kind of "signal" of problems with the rectum. Most people with this cosmetic defect find anal fissures, internal hemorrhoids and other proctologic diseases.
Anal Fringe Treatment
A few years ago, proctologists dissected overstretched skin in the anal area with surgical methods. Now fringe is removed using cryodestruction (freezing), laser, plasma excision, radio wave method. The choice depends on the prevalence of the process and the wishes of the patient.
The operations are performed under local anesthesia, so the person does not feel pain during the intervention. Excision of fringe with modern methods is a low-impact intervention that is not accompanied by disability and long-term recovery. Patients after it feel good and lead a habitual way of life.