- Concept
- Causes of
- Symptoms of the disease
- What result?
- Diagnostic methods
- Treatment
- Medicines
- Folk remedies
- Surgical intervention
Adenoids in children are one of the most common ailments. The disease is caused by an abnormal proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsils due to the nature of the child’s body.
Normally, the tonsils should be atrophied by the age of 12 without external intervention, but in some cases this does not happen, and children need medical help , as serious complications are possible.
On the causes of the appearance of adenoids in the nose of the child talk further.
What is child eye astigmatism? Answer find out right now.
In the human nasopharynx there are special formations - the tonsils, which perform a protective function, preventing the penetration of infections .
However, as a result of hyperplasia of the lymph and the penetration of the infection into the nasopharynx, there is an excessive increase in the tonsils, which leads to the formation of adenoids.
Pathology provokes impaired breathing, hearing and other dangerous symptoms. Most often, children from 3 to 7 years old suffer from this problem.
to content ↑Causes of
The main causes of adenoids are various pathologies in the mucous membrane of the nose or the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils.
The provoking factors can be :
- inflammation of the upper respiratory tract ( angina , sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.);
- infectious diseases (measles, rubella, influenza, diphtheria);
- structural features of the child's nasopharynx;
- pathology during pregnancy;
- trauma during childbirth;
- postponed vaccinations;
- endocrine or lymphatic system diseases;
- allergic reaction;
- living in adverse environmental or climatic conditions;
- weakened immunity;
- food abuse with a lot of chemical additives;
- injuries of the upper respiratory tract.
The reasons may be many, but they are mainly associated with the penetration of infection in the nasopharynx with a weakened immune system.
The peculiarity lies in the protective function of the tonsils, which increase due to the presence of harmful microorganisms, thereby delaying it.
That is, the more infections it gets in the nasopharynx, the more the tonsils, which means the adenoids grow.
to content ↑Symptoms of the disease
The main symptoms of the disease are:
- frequent rhinitis, not amenable to therapy;
- difficulty breathing through the nose, even if a runny nose is not observed;
- child's sleep disorder;
- mucous discharge from the nose, irritating the area above the upper lip;
- dry cough, especially in the morning;
- wheezing, sniffing, holding your breath during sleep;
- change of voice timbre;
- nervous tic or frequent blinking of eyes;
- lethargy and apathy of the child;
- headaches;
- irritability and fatigue of the child;
- hearing impairment;
- redness or tearing of the eyes.
There are 3 main forms of the disease, depending on the severity:
- 1st degree - tonsils are enlarged slightly. Problems with nasal breathing are observed only in the horizontal position of the body.
- Grade 2 - Tonsils cover half of the nasal passage. The child has to breathe through the mouth night and day. At night, snoring, wheezing or wheezing is heard. The speech and voice timbre are broken.
- 3rd degree - the nasopharynx is completely blocked. A child cannot breathe completely with his nose, only with his mouth.
Read about our symptoms and treatment of alopecia in children. article .
to content ↑
What result?
If time does not stop the growth of adenoids, then the following complications can occur:
Recommendations Pediatricians for the treatment of anal fissures in a child can be found on our website.
to content ↑Diagnostic methods
To diagnose the disease requires a visit to the otolaryngologist. Normally, a standard visual examination of the child is sufficient. However, some tests and studies are additionally assigned to complete the picture:
- child complaints and parents testimony;
- x-ray of the nasopharynx;
- endoscopy;
- tomography.
The most effective is the endoscopy method. The baby is introduced a special device with a camera that allows you to visually inspect the tonsils.
To avoid painful sensations, a child is given local anesthesia. This is the most modern method, although many doctors practice the finger method , manually touching the tonsils, which provokes a gag reflex and sharp pain.
to content ↑Treatment
How to treat adenoids in a child and is it possible to do without surgery? For the treatment of adenoids used medications, folk remedies and in the most severe cases, surgical intervention, that is, removal of the adenoids.
What are the signs of acclimatization in young children? Find out about it here .
Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating inflammation, relieving edema, relieving breathing and strengthening the immune system.
Drug therapy is effective only in the initial stages of the disease, when the adenoids are not yet highly developed.
The following drugs are used for this:
- drops from the common cold (vasoconstrictor) - Naphthyzinum, Naphazoline, Galazolin, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Rinazolin;
- anti-inflammatory nasal sprays - Nasonex, Flix;
- antiseptic drops for instillation into the nasopharynx - Albucidum, Collargol, Protargol;
- saline solutions for cleaning the nose - Nazomarin, Aquamaris, Humer, Marimer;
- antihistamines - Erius, Diazolin, Zyrtec, Loratadin;
- fortifying agents - vitamin complexes and immunomodulators.
The course of treatment should be chosen only by the attending physician, based on the clinical picture.
to content ↑
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine is usually used as an additional treatment for standard therapy, as it enhances the overall effect of the treatment. Consider a few recipes:
- Sea buckthorn oil . Sold in any pharmacy. Buried three times a day, three drops in each nostril.
- Honey and beets . Must be mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1 beet juice and honey, respectively. Insist for 1.5 hours and bury in the nose 5 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Eucalyptus infusion . It is used for gargling. A glass of boiling water take 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves and insist 1 hour. The tool will relieve inflammation and ease breathing.
- Salt and honey . In a glass of warm water is dissolved in a teaspoon of salt and honey. The resulting product is poured into one nostril, drawing in liquid, and poured through the other, alternately closing the nostrils. The procedure can be performed using a conventional syringe, but without a needle.
- Hydrogen peroxide . For a glass of water take 1 teaspoon of peroxide and mix thoroughly. The solution is used for gargling and rinsing the nose.
Before using this or that remedy, you should consult with your doctor.
You can learn how to treat aphthous stomatitis in children. articles .
to content ↑Surgical intervention
The operation to remove the adenoids is called adenotomy .
This procedure is prescribed in the most severe cases when standard medication does not give the desired results.
The operation is performed under local anesthesia , so the child does not feel pain. There will only be discomfort in the form of the urge to vomit during removal. The operation itself is fast, no more than 5-10 minutes. If there are no complications, the child will be discharged during the day.
However, you should know that the operation is not always justified . First, you should try medication treatment, as many doctors simplify their work by prescribing adenotomy for everyone.
It is necessary to agree only as a last resort, if there are no other options, or there is a threat to the health of the child. There are few complications after surgery .
A couple of weeks will have to give up solid food and limit physical exertion.
Means will be assigned to accelerate the healing of the tonsils . In the future, if everything goes as expected, the child will grow up healthy.
Adenoids increase in almost all children, but to varying degrees. It is important to monitor their condition and take all necessary measures. First of all, you need to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis at the first alarming symptoms.
In the early stages of the process of increasing adenoids can be stopped with the help of drugs, but if you delay with the treatment, you will have to do the surgery.
Dr. Komarovsky about adenoids in this video:
What is child eye astigmatism?What are the signs of acclimatization in young children?