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➤ How and how to wash the resin from hands and other skin areas, as well as wipe off the hair

  1. How to wash the resin from the hands
  2. How to wash epoxy from hands and other skin areas
  3. Resin Cleansing Cream
  4. Coca-Cola as a solvent
  5. Soda
  6. We clean the skin with rubber glue
  7. A mixture of turpentine, starch and ammonia
  8. Acetone
  9. Video: Acetone - Epoxy Solvent
  10. Sunflower oil
  11. How to wipe stains from pine cones with alcohol
  12. Citric acid traces of tar
  13. Prohibited methods
  14. Hot way
  15. Cold cleaning
  16. Solvents for epoxy glue and acid
  17. How can I clean the resin from the hair
  18. Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise
  19. How to wash the resin from the hair and skin of a child: useful tips

How to clean the resin at home and how to wash her hands

How to clean the resin at home and how to wash her hands

It is very easy to get dirty with pitch on a walk in the woods, at a photo shoot or during repair work. It is much more difficult to get rid of this substance on the skin of your hands, clothes, hair. There are ways to help quickly wash the resin.


  • 1 How to wash the resin from the hands
  • 2 Prohibited methods
  • 3 How can I clean the resin from the hair
  • 4 How to wash the resin from the hair and skin of a child: useful tips

How to wash the resin from the hands

When traveling to a pine forest, going for mushrooms, or when covering the roof, we can stain our hands and hair with wood or epoxy. They harden within 24 hours. Epoxy may be glazed even earlier (within 7–14 hours), depending on its composition. Drops of artificial and natural resins are removed in different ways, but it is worth applying the described methods until the resin is completely cured on the skin.

Wood resin is washed easier than artificial

How to wash epoxy from hands and other skin areas

Epoxy is a kind of durable glue. It sticks together various materials: wood, roofing material, plastic. Apply epoxy resin when repairing in liquid form, after some time it freezes. It is necessary to immediately clear the skin of resin drops, as with prolonged contact it causes irritation and swelling of the skin, is a source of allergies, redness and tearing of the eyes, irritation of the respiratory tract.

Epoxy resin is a carcinogen that, upon contact with the skin, begins to poison the body. Remove it immediately! If it is still soft, do not soak solvents on the skin, and rub them with dirt.

Resin Cleansing Cream

The most gentle way is a cream for children. It will not only remove impurities, but also soften the skin and reduce the level of irritation. In addition, it rarely causes allergies, and is suitable for adults and children. It can be used for delicate and sensitive skin.

  • Apply the product on the resin and the skin around the spot.
  • Scrub immediately, then apply more cream and scrub again until the spots are completely clean. You can use a hard brush for this.
  • We wash away the remnants with soap.
  • We wash away the remnants with soap

    Baby cream safely removes epoxy

    Coca-Cola as a solvent

    Well dissolves resin Coca-Cola.

    It is known that Coca-Cola is able to clean many things: sink and bath from limescale, pipes from rust, pans from burnt food. Its effectiveness is due to the content of carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid.

    In fact, you can use not only Coke. In the form of epoxy resin solvents, Fanta and Sprite are often used.

  • At 1 liter of soda we take 1 tbsp. l soda Stir.

    l  soda  Stir

    To clean the resin, you can use carbonated water, such as Coca-Cola

  • Put our hands in the solution.
  • Hold 10 minutes.
  • We wash hands with soap and smear with cream.

    We wash hands with soap and smear with cream

    After the bath of soda, hands are washed and smeared with cream

  • Soda

    Soda enters into a chemical reaction with the resin, softening it. There will be no harm from prolonged contact with soda. On the contrary, the substance relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin. The main thing is to prevent the slurry on the hands. It can be used on delicate areas of the skin, and this method will not harm children. We will need:

    • water - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • soda - 3 tsp.


  • We make gruel out of water and soda.

    We make gruel out of water and soda

    Soda is diluted with water to the consistency of gruel

  • Apply to the stained area of ​​skin and scrape the resin from the edges to the center.
  • Wash off with warm water and soap.

    Wash off with warm water and soap

    After cleaning the resin with soda, wash your hands well with soap and water.

  • We clean the skin with rubber glue

    In the composition of any rubber glue necessarily present solvent. It acts on the resin drops trapped on the skin. Do not apply to children's skin: an allergic reaction may occur. It is important not to hold the glue for more than 10 seconds, otherwise, in addition to the resin, you will also have to remove it.

  • Apply a bit of rubber glue to the stained skin.
  • Withstand 10 seconds.
  • Roll the pitch with your fingers.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap

    The composition of the rubber glue includes a solvent that cleans the epoxy resin from the skin.

    A mixture of turpentine, starch and ammonia

    For cleansing the skin is to choose gum turpentine. Unlike technical, this product does not leave burns on the skin and does not cause allergies, dermatitis. Zhivichny turpentine, being highly purified substance, softens the resin to the desired consistency. To get rid of epoxy, we need:

    • ammonia - 3 drops;
    • starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • turpentine - 4 drops.


  • Mix the ingredients.
  • Apply to the contaminated area of ​​the skin.
  • Scrub with a hand brush.
  • My hands.
  • My hands

    Turpentine with the use of ammonia and starch is also used for cleaning hands from the resin.

    Use technical solution can only be used for cleaning clothes, shoes and other household items. Since its use adversely affects the respiratory organs of a person and can leave chemical burns on the skin, it is necessary to work with the product with gloves and a mask.


    Cleans the resin from the skin with acetone and products containing it, for example, nail polish remover. It is not recommended to use acetone for colored clothes, as the color is washed with a solvent. In no case can not use this method for children's and delicate skin.

    Acetone is used in a well-ventilated area and away from children, since inhalation of this substance can cause respiratory diseases.

    Operating procedure:

  • Apply acetone or nail polish remover on a cotton pad.
  • We apply to the resin for 3-5 seconds.
  • We clean the pollution.
  • After applying acetone, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  • After applying acetone, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer

    Acetone cleans epoxy well

    Video: Acetone - Epoxy Solvent

    How to wash the resin of pine and other coniferous trees from skin

    To clean the hands of wood tar, you can also use acetone or gasoline. But we must remember that in this case it is necessary to carry out the cleaning procedure in a well-ventilated room. In addition to solvents, use and traditional methods.

    Sunflower oil

    The method is absolutely safe for children and adults. It can be applied to any skin type. Sunflower oil changes the consistency of the resin to a more liquid, softens the substance. Due to this, the resin is more easily removed from the skin.

  • Apply plenty of sunflower oil to a cotton swab.
  • Rub into the skin for 30–40 minutes, until the resin is clean.
  • Wash off with hot water and soap.
  • Wash off with hot water and soap

    Well copes with traces of wood resin sunflower oil

    Wash the resin with conventional hand-washing agents (soap and liquid soap) is unlikely to work. My dad washes off the tar very much with regular gasoline or kerosene, and then ordinary soap. Does sunflower oil also help well?

    Murochka striped


    You can wash your hands off the stuck pine resin with ordinary vegetable oil.



    How to wipe stains from pine cones with alcohol

    Alcohol is used for a variety of impurities, including against the drops of resin on the skin. Prolonged contact of alcohol with the skin is harmless. He does not threaten with chemical burns and wounds, on the contrary, disinfects his hands. Alcohol softens the resin to a sticky, sticky consistency, which allows you to remove resin drops. The tool can be used for adult and children's skin. Since the alcohol dries slightly, evaporating from the surface, after its application, you can spread a skin area with a baby cream.

  • We wet a cotton pad in alcohol.
  • We apply to the resin for 20 minutes.
  • Rub the stain with cotton swab or gauze.
  • Rub the stain with cotton swab or gauze

    Alcohol easily removes resin from skin.

    Citric acid traces of tar

    Citric acid in everyday life is used as a mild chemical technical cleaner. It effectively dissolves the resin due to its chemical composition. Citric acid is not recommended for delicate areas of the body and baby skin: it can cause irritation.

  • Take a soft sponge or cotton pad. We moisten with water.
  • Sprinkle the sponge with acid and rub the resin from the edges to the center of the stain.
  • Wash off with warm water and soap.
  • Wash off with warm water and soap

    Citric acid is able to clean the tar stains.

    Prohibited methods

    Some products clean the resin well, but have a negative effect on the skin. Their use is undesirable.

    Hot way

    It is effectively used for cleaning clothes, shoes, household items, but not for the skin of hands or other parts of the body. The resin is pressed through the parchment with a hot iron. At high temperatures, the substance softens and can be removed with a sponge or cloth.

    This method can not be used to remove resin from the skin. The result can be quite deplorable: from a light burn to getting into traumatology.

    Cold cleaning

    It is also used only for household items. A thing soiled with tar is frozen. Under the influence of low temperature, the resin crystallizes. After which it is broken with a hammer. You can, of course, try and carefully wipe the dirty place on your hand with a piece of ice for the resin to harden. But the desired crystallized structure of matter in this way is not achieved. But to get a slight frostbite of the skin is easier than ever.

    Using the cold method of cleaning the resin, you can get frostbite on the limbs

    Solvents for epoxy glue and acid

    Chemicals that are designed to purify epoxy resin - DMSO and DMF - can be purchased at any pharmacy. Apply them to liquefy and dissolve the resin. But to use for cleansing the skin of hands, face and other parts of the body from the resin, can not be any of these solvents.

    DMF and DMSO metals do not corrode and nonpolar hydrocarbon-based plastics do not damage either. But some cases of microcircuits / transistors can also swell in them, because they can be made on the basis of epoxy resins, especially the old ones. Well and with them it is necessary to observe certain caution when working. DMF itself is not particularly useful, and DMSO improves the transport of soluble substances through the skin, therefore it can contribute to the absorption of something undesirable by the skin.



    DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), was sold in pharmacies earlier under the name Dimexide (in my opinion, it is diluted with something there). Dissolve almost all organic matter. Of the minuses - if it stays in the air for a long time, then it oxidizes and stinks, and secondly, it tolerates dissolved in the skin very well, therefore it is contained in all kinds of rubbing, doloben, fastumgel, etc. (wear gloves)



    Washing SP-6 is also the strongest solvent. It is designed to remove varnishes and paints from old ferrous metal, it also cleans epoxy resin. True, the SP-6 is used in car services and on construction sites. After applying the wash, the paintwork is expanded, breaking down to a loose mass, which is then removed with a brush.

    It is absolutely impossible to use the SP-6 remover for cleaning hands from tar. In case of skin contact, immediately wash your hands or other parts of the body with water. If this is not done, then a chemical burn is guaranteed. When using the SP-6 is also possible chemical burns of the respiratory tract. After removing the wash you need to consult a doctor.

    It is strictly impossible to use acid to cleanse parts of the body from tar. After all, sulfuric and tetrafluoroboric acids in contact with the skin form an instantaneous chemical burn. At the same time, coagulation necrosis - tissue necrosis is formed almost instantly. On the skin instantly forms a white crust with clearly defined boundaries. The stronger the concentration of acids, the deeper the wound under the crust.

    The stronger the concentration of acids, the deeper the wound under the crust

    Acid on the skin may cause serious consequences.

    How can I clean the resin from the hair

    Not only hands, feet, or face can get dirty in tar. It is much harder for the housewives, when droplets of resin froze in their gorgeous long hair. We will not hurry and take up the scissors. Let's try to correct the situation.

    Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise

    And again we turn to the popular methods. Peanut butter or mayonnaise will help. They soften the resin, strengthen the hair structure. For children, soap can be replaced with a special shampoo, which, when it comes into contact with eyes, will not pinch strongly. The method is great for both long and short hair.

  • Apply along the entire length of stained strands mayonnaise or oil.
  • Head wrapped with plastic film.
  • Withstand 30 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm running water with baby soap.

    Wash off with warm running water with baby soap

    We wash the hair after the procedure with warm water and soap

  • How to wash the resin from the hair and skin of a child: useful tips

  • As we have said, in no case should the resin be cleaned from baby skin with solvents, including acetone and gasoline. In addition to the fact that respiratory diseases can occur, there is a possibility of chemical burns and allergies.
  • Do not use citric acid. Although it is the mildest of the existing acids, it can also damage the skin and cause irritation.
  • For children use natural products: soda, sunflower, olive or peanut oil.
  • It is important to ensure that when cleaning products do not get into the eyes, nose, ears, mouth. If a child swallows butter or a couple of grains of soda, there will be no harm. But, for example, the cream may well cause gastrointestinal upset or poisoning.
  • If molten hot gum has come into contact with the skin, a burn or an open wound will form under it. It is washed with water. It is not necessary to close it with adhesive tape or wrap it with a bandage. It is important to keep the wound open and consult a doctor immediately.
  • If the temperature rises after cleaning the resin, blisters form on the skin and you should also go to the doctor immediately.
  • We looked at various chemical and traditional methods of cleaning resin from hands, hair, and children's skin. They will help get rid of this sticky substance, without causing damage to their health and the health of your kids.

    A source

    Does sunflower oil also help well?