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На общем собрании РАН предложили переподчинить ФАНО президиуму Академии
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Adjika home - 12 recipes for the most delicious home adzhika for the winter

  1. The most delicious home adzhika - Abkhazian stinging acute adzhika for winter
  2. Home adjika - recipe with horseradish
  3. Crude adjika for the winter without cooking
  4. Video recipe: adjika for the winter is sharp - you will lick your fingers
  5. Home adzhika for the winter with tomatoes and garlic with cooking
  6. Very tasty adjika from zucchini in Belarusian
  7. Adjika home - recipe for the most delicious homemade adzhika with a twist
  8. How to cook adjika without peppers at home - with eggplant and honey
  9. How to cook the most delicious homemade adjika with apples
  10. Recipe for homemade adzhika without vinegar with plums or cherry plum
  11. Adjika Georgian with walnuts
  12. Delicious adjika with carrots for the winter
  13. From the history of spicy snacks
  14. Homemade cooking rules

Recipes for the most delicious homemade adzhika:   Today we will talk about a wonderful spicy snack, which is usually smeared on a piece of fresh fragrant bread, her Majesty the queen on our table, an incomparable adjika

Recipes for the most delicious homemade adzhika:

Today we will talk about a wonderful spicy snack, which is usually smeared on a piece of fresh fragrant bread, her Majesty the queen on our table, an incomparable adjika. This queen is good to consume even a hot bite with a soup, at least with meat on the coals ... it will suit any savory dish with a bang!

The benefits of adzhika are undoubtedly great, not only does it retain the entire set of vitamins and trace elements that make up the products and its ingredients, and in general it has a beneficial effect on increasing metabolism, improves appetite and has some antiviral effect.

Well, first, the simplest recipes and gradually complicate.

The most delicious home adzhika - Abkhazian stinging acute adzhika for winter

The most delicious home adzhika - Abkhazian stinging acute adzhika for winter

The recipe is classic, traditional, original. The easiest to prepare, literally a ten-minute affair.


  • a pound of hot red pepper, slightly dried in the sun, if you do not want to be too hot — take out the seeds,
  • a good bunch of cilantro, preferably collected during flowering,
  • a small bunch of sprigs of young dill,
  • a bunch of parsley leaves,
  • 5 heads of garlic,
  • 3 spoons table hops-suneli,
  • a glass of coarse salt,
  • You can add a couple of handfuls of walnut kernels - an amateur.

All clean, wash, dry. Scroll through a meat grinder, salt out, mix and scroll a few more times to make a homogeneous paste. It is even better to use a food processor with a sharp knife and chop everything into dust.

Writing insist on the kitchen table a couple of days. Arrange in jars or food containers and store in the refrigerator.

Home adjika - recipe with horseradish

Home adjika - recipe with horseradish

The invention is already Russian culinary. People call it differently - hrenodёr, horloder, hrenovina. Simple and fast in preparation, a set of products for her in August in each garden with a shaft. Remarkably stored in the refrigerator all winter.


  • tomatoes are very ripe kilogram,
  • horseradish - a tenth of tomatoes is classically, but who likes more spicy add more,
  • a pair of spicy red chili pods,
  • a pair of garlic heads,
  • spoon with tops of salt.

Here in work with horseradish it is preferable to a meat grinder than a food processor, texture too viscous in horseradish.

So, all my clean, dry. Crank through the meat grinder and mix well. When we skip horseradish it is better to put a plastic bag on the meat grinder and tie it on the exit neck - it won't pinch your eyes. Or throw all the components interspersed, too, to reduce the ingress of horseradish vapors into the air.

We salt, carefully we mix before full dissolution of salt.

We place in sterile dry jars and put them in a refrigerator or cellar.

It is very suitable for any first or second dish as a supplement for bread in the winter cold evenings.

Crude adjika for the winter without cooking

Crude adjika for the winter without cooking

Well, very fast and tasty! Guests and home will appreciate at the table perfectly.


  • ripe tomatoes 3kg,
  • Hot pepper only 4pcs,
  • pepper sweet, preferably red 5pcs,
  • garlic 10 large teeth,
  • onion 5pcs,
  • ½ cup vegetable oil,
  • vinegar 9% 5 50 ml,
  • salt - spoon with a big top.

Do the steps:

  1. All wash, clean, dry. Pepper cut seeds.
  2. Twist in a meat grinder or chop tomatoes, peppers, onions and garlic in a blender.
  3. Mix with vinegar and salt. Add oil last and mix thoroughly.
  4. In sterile dry jars and put in the refrigerator or cellar.

At the table will be very tasty!

Video recipe: adjika for the winter is sharp - you will lick your fingers

Open a jar of such a stinging billet on a winter day and remember those summer times under barbecue .

Home adzhika for the winter with tomatoes and garlic with cooking

Home adzhika for the winter with tomatoes and garlic with cooking

This recipe will be more complicated and more time consuming, but the result is worth it, take my word for it. In addition, such a workpiece can be stored in the cellar for years, if necessary.

The fact is that this adjika, unlike the previous ones, we will cook with you.


  • tomatoes are large, very ripe 3kg,
  • carrot large 1.5 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper 2kg,
  • garlic 10 cloves
  • chili pepper 2 pods,
  • salt 2 tables. spoons
  • half a cup of sugar,
  • half a glass of vegetable oil,
  • Table vinegar half a glass, you can replace the apple.

Now cooking:

  1. We wash everything, clean it, cut seeds from pepper, dry it.
  2. Tomatoes are cut into large pieces into a saucepan, pour half a glass of water and bring to a boil over medium heat. We do not give boil, immediately remove and cool. On the sieve we roll back the skins and seeds, we get a thick tomato juice with pulp.
  3. In a blender, grind carrots and peppers to dust. We put the fire on a small fire for half an hour.
  4. Add crushed garlic, salt and sugar, pour in vinegar, mix and let it boil for another 5 minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove and quickly lay out on sterile jars, roll up, turn over and under the fur coat until it cools completely.

This option gives space to your imagination. You can experiment on the basis of this recipe as you like, adding to it when cooking any vegetables and even fruits - everything will be delicious.

Very tasty adjika from zucchini in Belarusian

Very tasty adjika from zucchini in Belarusian

Another unusual recipe, another name for it is adjika with zucchini in Belarusian.

Need to:

  • zucchini 3kg,
  • half a kilo of carrots,
  • pepper sweet half a kilo,
  • tomatoes a kilo and a half,
  • garlic peeled glass,
  • ground red pepper 2.5 tablespoons,
  • vegetable oil glass,
  • salt 2.5 table. spoons
  • sugar glass

Cooking is the simplest:

  1. As usual, wash everything, clean, dry. Scroll through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor, garlic too, but in a separate bowl.
  2. The resulting pasta from vegetables mixed with vegetable oil, add sugar and boil in a large broiler with a thick bottom for about forty minutes.
  3. Add hot pepper and garlic, then another five minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, place in sterile jars and roll up. Turn over and under the coat until the morning.

The taste of this adzhika is tender, sweet with spicy sourness, not very spicy.

I also have an article on this topic, how to cook zucchini adjika - fingers you will lick .

Adjika home - recipe for the most delicious homemade adzhika with a twist

Adjika home - recipe for the most delicious homemade adzhika with a twist

The so-called bitter. Dish for real men - very spicy!


  • Tomatoes 5 kilograms,
  • carrots 2 kilograms,
  • 300 grams of spicy chili,
  • garlic kilogram
  • pepper paprika kilogram,
  • vegetable oil 200g,
  • salt spoon with a big top.

Wash, peel, dry all vegetables. Scroll through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor. Put in pan, add oil and salt. Simmer for about an hour on low heat, stirring occasionally. Place in sterile jars and cork. Cool under a fur coat.

More interesting articles on homework for the winter:

  1. Marinated Zucchini
  2. Pickled tomatoes
  3. Bell pepper lecho
  4. Salted cucumbers for the winter
  5. Ketchup from tomatoes for the winter at home

How to cook adjika without peppers at home - with eggplant and honey

How to cook adjika without peppers at home - with eggplant and honey

But with eggplants! Somewhat exotic, but tasty - yummy fingers!

You will need:

  • Tomato 3kg,
  • 2kg eggplant,
  • garlic 0.5 kg,
  • 4 spicy chili pods,
  • a glass of vegetable oil,
  • half a glass of vinegar 9%,
  • parsley to taste, if you really love, then a good bunch,
  • dill is also at your discretion,
  • 3 large spoons of sugar
  • Salt table. spoon with a big slide,
  • honey three tablespoons scoops, how much scoop.

Chop all the vegetables in a food processor. Eggplant for greater refinement can be cut into small cubes. Put in a large roaster, salt and mix with sugar, butter and simmer for 50 minutes.

Add honey and mix thoroughly. Add finely chopped fresh herbs, boil for a couple of minutes and inject vinegar. Stir and let stand for a few minutes. Place in sterile jars, put on a lid and cool under a fur coat.

Honey will give the dish a special charm!

How to cook the most delicious homemade adjika with apples

How to cook the most delicious homemade adjika with apples

Also a somewhat exotic and extremely tasty recipe.


  • tomatoes a little more than a kilogram,
  • sweet paprika 0.5 kg
  • apples 0.5 kg, preferably sour,
  • spicy chili 3 pods
  • carrots 0.5 kg,
  • garlic 2 heads,
  • salt tables. spoon,
  • vinegar table floor glass,
  • vegetable oil half a cup,
  • sugar half a glass.


  1. Wash and dry the ingredients. Remove seeds from peppers and apples.
  2. All vegetables except garlic chopped in a blender into dust and put in a large roaster.
  3. Simmer for about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
  4. Crushed garlic, oil, sugar, salt and vinegar add to the resulting mass and mix. Boil another three minutes.
  5. Place in sterile jars, roll up and put to cool turned upside down under a fur coat.

Very tasty and fragrant!

Recipe for homemade adzhika without vinegar with plums or cherry plum

Recipe for homemade adzhika without vinegar with plums or cherry plum

But it is very unusual, because with plums or cherry plum, who likes what!


  • 1kg plums, better unripe or cherry plum,
  • 15 good cloves of garlic,
  • 2 pods of spicy chili,
  • 5 kg of sweet paprika, ¼ tsp. Ground black pepper, coriander, cloves,
  • on a small bunch of greens, what you will find - dill, basil, tarragon, parsley,
  • tomato paste 1 spoon,
  • salt tablespoon with a small top,
  • half a glass of sugar.


  1. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, remove the seeds and seeds from the plums, and dry them.
  2. Chop in a food processor plums, peppers and all the greens.
  3. Add salt, add sugar, ground spices, tomato paste, mix thoroughly and simmer for about half an hour on a small light.
  4. Add finely chopped garlic and boil for another three minutes.
  5. Put in cans and cork. Inverted under a fur coat to cool completely.

Enjoy your meal!

Adjika Georgian with walnuts

Adjika Georgian with walnuts

Delicious adjika with lightning fast cooking!


  • Paprika sweet kilogram,
  • a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar,
  • Ten cloves of garlic,
  • two pods of spicy chili,
  • a pound of peeled walnut,
  • Spoon of salt (table),
  • half a glass of sugar.

Standard process all vegetables, peel, rinse. Chop to dust in a food processor. Add vinegar, salt and sugar. Boil for about 15 minutes and immediately decompose into jars, roll up the lids. Cool under a fur coat upside down. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

This is useful:

  1. Holiday Snacks
  2. Birthday salads
  3. Meat in French oven - very tasty

Delicious adjika with carrots for the winter

Delicious adjika with carrots for the winter

Carrots alone will be somewhat boring, so let's add pumpkins to it too! And we get a completely unique recipe. It is a pity that it is not stored for a long time, so it is better to make a half portion to quickly eat!


  • a kilo of carrots and pumpkins,
  • onions and sweet pepper half a kilo,
  • 2 chili pods,
  • half a glass of vegetable oil.
  • on a bunch of cilantro and basil,
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • lemon,
  • tablespoon with a little topping salt.


  1. All main vegetables washed, peeled, removed from pepper seeds, cut into pieces and put on a baking sheet. Cover with foil and bake for about forty minutes.
  2. Cool and chop in a blender with chili pepper, lemon, garlic, herbs and salt.
  3. Set right on the table!

From the history of spicy snacks

Adjika - the word itself is of Abkhaz origin and means, in essence, bread and salt, a welcome dish when meeting dear guests. T/posts/en/urly her wife of Caucasian dzhigits in antiquity on a stone, investing a lot of time and effort in this simple exercise. But we are modern and advanced people, so we will not be killed this way. There are combines, blenders, meat grinders in our kitchens - so let them twist, tinder, and crumple, and we will keep an eye on them!

Initially, it was a pasty salty mass of red color, which consists of various components, red hot peppers and garlic, coriander and blue fenugreek ... Do not be intimidated by blue fenugreek, this is the name for an intelligent ucho-suneli, it is almost always a part of us all famous hops-suneli.

However, over time, people learned to add to Adzhika a lot of other useful and nutritious vegetables and even fruits with nuts, made it less salty and spicy, quite suitable for our unsophisticated European stomach.

The color has also changed, now they are preparing green adjika from green pepper. It is very convenient to use it in a mixture with sour cream or mayonnaise for preparing various sauces and as a seasoning for soups.

Homemade cooking rules

Immediately here I will tell you some general rules when cooking adzhika, so as not to be repeated in each recipe and make them italic:

  • Wash vegetables and other ingredients thoroughly and always dry them on a towel, especially for those recipes that without heat treatment - not a drop of water should get into the dish!
  • Banks and covers must be sterilized and let them dry out!
  • Important!!! First we sterilize the jars - then we start cooking!
  • It is advisable to work with bitter burning pepper in gloves in order not to get burned!

Well, perhaps, everything about adjika, delicious, fragrant and varied seasoning, which occupies its place of honor on my table. Hope on yours now too!